Catalog - 115. Sálová aukce

Mince, medaile, faleristika

Results 621-640 of 662
of 34
115. Sálová aukce
Evropa a svět
Lot 621 1

Nouzový jednostranný tolar 1565, Hermannstadt, Dav.8796, Husz.54 (24,15 g), patina_R!

Estimated price
10,000 Kč
30,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 622 1

Tolar 1590, Dav.8802, Resch.58 (28,90 g), škr., pěkná patina

Estimated price
30,000 Kč
40,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 623 1

Tolar 1629 NB, Nagybánya, Dav.4724, Resch.512 (28,24 g), pěkná patina

Estimated price
30,000 Kč
38,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 624 1

Tolar 1650 NB, Nagybánya, Dav.4747A, Husz.562 (28,08 g), pěkná patina

Estimated price
30,000 Kč
50,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 625 1

Tolar 1656 NB, Nagybánya, Dav,4752, Husz.564 (29,33 g), pěkná patina

Estimated price
30,000 Kč
65,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 626 1

4 Escudos 1772 S-CM, Sevilla, Au 0,901, 29 mm (13,46 g), Fr.285, KM.418.2a

Estimated price
26,000 Kč
28,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 627 1

100 Pesetas 1897 SG-V, Au 0,900 (32,258 g), KM.708

Estimated price
55,000 Kč
62,500 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 628 2

Dukát b.l. (1387 - 1389), Košice, Lengyel.17/11A, Pohl.D 1-6 (3,56 g), nádherná zachovalost, etue NGC, MS 62

Estimated price
30,000 Kč
44,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 629 1

Dukát b.l., Kremnica, písmena v SIGISMVNDI zrcadlově převrácená, značka na reverzu G - K, dosud nepopsaná varianta, Lengyel. typ 18 (3,52 g)_RR!

Estimated price
20,000 Kč
80,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 630 2

Dukát b.l., Košice, Lengyel.18/46A, Pohl.D 2-14 (3,49 g), pěkná zachovalost, etue NGC, AU 58

Estimated price
22,000 Kč
32,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 631 1

Dukát b.l. (1431 - 1437), Kremnica, Lengyel.18/21, Pohl.D 2-34 (3,51 g)

Estimated price
15,000 Kč
32,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 632 2

Dukát b.l. (1438), Kremnica, mincmistr András Lang a Miklos, Lengyel.20/1, Pohl.E1-3 (3,55 g), krásná zachovalost, etue NGC, AU 55

Estimated price
26,000 Kč
42,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 633 1

Dukát b.l. (1443), Hermannstadt, Lengyel.22/8, Pohl.F 1-5 (3,48 g), nádherná zachovalost s ražebním leskem v ploše

Estimated price
30,000 Kč
60,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 634 1

Dukát b.l. (1463), Kremnica, Lengyel.36/7A, Pohl.K 1-2 (3,51 g), nádherná zavhovalost s ražebním leskem

Estimated price
24,000 Kč
55,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 635 1

Dukát b.l. (1459-1464), Nagyszeben, Lengyel.36/27, Pohl.K 5-3 (3,47 g), nenalezen žádný aukční záznam, pouze jeden kus v Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum_RR!

Estimated price
24,000 Kč
70,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 636 2

Dukát b.l. (1470 - 1490), Nagyszeben, Lengyel.45/14B, Pohl.K 21-1, etue NGC, MS 64

Estimated price
20,000 Kč
90,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 637 2

Scudo del sole b.l. (1533 - 1535), Bologna, Fr.342, MIR.828/1 (3,35 g), starý podložní lístek, krásná zachovalost

Estimated price
18,000 Kč
22,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 638 1

Doppia romana anno XVII (1816/1817), Bologna, Fr.249 (5,46 g)

Estimated price
15,000 Kč
17,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 639 3

Gothic Crown 1847, na hraně UN DECIMO, KM.744 (28,27 g)_RR!

Estimated price
70,000 Kč
70,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 640 1

AR Medaile 1948 - Ve prospěch obnovy Karolina. Karel IV. klečí před sv. Václavem, v pozadí budova Karolina, opis / Znak republiky a Prahy, za nimi univerzitní insignie, opis. Ag 0,987, 55 mm (68,74 g)

Estimated price
3,000 Kč
8,000 Kč

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Results 621-640 of 662
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